Are you looking for a Physiotherapist in Balwyn or Kew?
Our experience Chiropractor, Dr Tass Amiridis is now also a Physiotherapist! Our Physiotherapist will spend the necessary time to accurately diagnose the cause of your pain or symptom and is dedicated to achieving results in the fastest possible way. Our physiotherapist use a combination of physical therapies and will prescribe an exercise rehabilitation program to improve you health and well being.
Conveniently located at 1128 Burke Road Balwyn North, on the border of Balwyn North & Kew East, opposite Kew High School there is plenty of parking at the rear car park.
Balwyn North Chiropractic centre also service patients in surrounding suburbs such as Kew, Doncaster, Templestowe, Heidelberg, Ivanhoe, Hawthorn, Eaglemont, Camberwell, Box Hill.
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is the rehabilitation of movement disorders resulting from disease or injury. Using an evidence-based approach, physical techniques are used to reduce pain, speed up the healing process and restore correct movement function.
What do physiotherapists do?
Physiotherapists are first contact health practitioners therefore a GP referral is not required.
Physiotherapists will initial spend the time to assess and diagnose your condition. A personalised treatment plan will be prescribed that includes education, physical therapy (soft tissue and/or joint therapy) and exercise prescription
such as soft tissue therapy, exercise & stretch therapy in addition to the use of therapeutic equipment are aimed at improving patients of all ages physical well-being.
Who can physiotherapy help?
The most common reason people visit a physiotherapist is for the treatment include:
• Post-operative rehabilitation for joint extremities and the spine
• Acute injury to muscle, ligament, spine or joints from physical activity/sport
• Work related repetitive strain or accidents.
• Chronic conditions such osteoporosis and degeneration
• Recovery following stroke stroke and
• Womens health conditions such as pregnancy & incontinence
• Scoliosis and posture related conditons